Reader here, and well, I guess it’s time.
We’re reaching the end of January, and with it the end of Christmas season in my apartment.

Most people take all their decorations down as soon as the big day is done. Some will have them down by Boxing Day. Others will leave them up until after Ukrainian Christmas.
Me? I always leave mine up right through the end of January. Why? Because I enjoy the lights and good feelings they give me.
Why is it so hard to let go of Christmas? Maybe it’s those twinkling lights that turn our homes into magical wonderlands, or the heartwarming moments spent with loved ones. Perhaps it’s the cozy traditions that wrap us in nostalgia and joy. Whatever it is, Christmas leaves a sparkle in our hearts that we wish could last all year. Ultimately, we can choose to keep those good vibes throughout the year, even if Christmas is over!
But in the end, I know I can’t just leave my decorations up all year round. That’s just silly talk.
It’s time to let go of Christmas 2024. And actually, it just gave me a flashback to something that was always fun to watch year after year on MuchMusic – their annual Christmas Tree Toss, as they always got rid of their tree in style!
After all, if I never take them down, I can’t look forward to putting them up when the holiday season rolls around again!
I’m not one to decorate when if comes to the other holidays. Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving… I’ve never been inspired to coat my home in holiday regalia for those other big days. Just Christmas.
I admit, though, it’ll be nice to have things back to normal once again. And I’m hoping to get some different furniture this year to spruce up Casa de Reader, especially a new couch, and maybe a new bookshelf for the living room.
We’ll see what the new year brings, but in the meantime, so long, Christmas decorations. See you again in December!