Hey, everybody! Reader here.
It’s been a minute, as I spent the past week covering the agriculture beat, but I’m back on Cruz duty.
No matter what I’m busy at, though, one thing never stops. I always have time for snacks!
I admit, I have a major sweet tooth when it comes to chocolate. In particular, MILK chocolate.
I’ve never been a big fan of dark chocolate or white chocolate. Give me the classic milk chocolate, and I’m a happy camper.
The tough thing is, I have to try and avoid eating too much all the time, as I do have to be mindful of my blood sugar.
But here’s a question… Do you ever wonder why some things taste amazing with chocolate and others, well, don’t?
It’s all about finding that flavor balance! Chocolate loves to cozy up with sweet or salty friends like strawberries or sea salt.
We all know that chocolate and peanut butter is possibly the greatest combination ever created. Give me all the Reese’s!
Chocolate-covered strawberries? Delicious!
Something else that’s amazing? These tasty little treats right here…

And they have to be the Rold Gold brand. I’ve tried other chocolate-covered pretzels, and they’re just not the same.
But sometimes, the mix just doesn’t vibe.
Over the years, I’ve heard of different combos, of things that I love separately, but when you mix them together, it’s not necessarily bad, but it’s just not as good as you hoped it would be.
I love chocolate, and I love oranges. But Terry’s Chocolate Oranges? No thanks. Didn’t care for it. Not my cup o’ tea.
I tried this over the weekend…

Again, I love chocolate, and I love Rice Krispie Squares. But, somehow, I didn’t love it as much as I hoped I would. It was tasty, but not Earth-shatteringly delicious, at least to me.
But that’s the beauty of the human palate… each one of us enjoy’s different things.
I’ve gotta say, though, I’ve heard of, but never tried chocolate-covered bacon. That’s intriguing.
One thing that was much better than I ever thought it would be? Chocolate-covered INSECTS!
Years ago, my former co-host Will and I used to do a little segment called “What Is It? And Who’ll Eat It?” And one day, he brought in chocolate covered crickets and mealworms.
Though there was a little trepidation, down the hatch they went. And you know what? They weren’t half bad!

You just have to be brave and give it a go. It’s all part of the fun in trying new combos!
Besides… anything dunked in chocolate can’t be all bad, rigt?
What’s your go-to chocolate pairing?