Reader here, and once again, I’m thinking with my stomach!
Tis the season for much holiday snacking, and one thing we always do around work, is have a staff Christmas potluck lunch.
We usually try to have it the last Friday before everyone takes off for Christmas, so the most people are able to be there and enjoy.
As a general rule, we have lots to enjoy. Everything from deep-fried turkey, to perogies and sausage, to salads, to various desserts. It’s all amazing, and the tough thing is that when there’s so much, you can’t help but want to try a little bit of everything.
And by the time you’re done, you’re ready for a food coma, with half a work day to go!
I’ve brought different things over the years. Chili, baked mac and cheese… but the last few years, I’ve kept it simple, with a tasty little dessert item…
That’s right. Many people call them haystacks. Some call ’em macaroons.
In my family, we call them “Pauline’s Cookies,” as the recipe came from my great aunt Pauline.
By any name, they’re super easy to make, and always delicious!
In fact, I’ll share the recipe with you here:

Easy peasy!

Once the chocolate mixture is at a boil, add the oats and coconut, mix it up reeeeal well, and spoon it up onto some wax or parchment paper, and let it cool.

So good, so easy, and they’re always a hit! Give ’em a try!